Sunday, November 20, 2011

Back into it

Hey everyone. I've been blogging on for some time now, but due to some technical issues, ones I'm not nearly competent enough to understand, nor attempt to rectify, I am now blogging at this location. I'll include my link to past blogs on for those of you who want to read them. I'll give you a quick intro about me and why I'm blogging, sort of a get-to-know-you. Hopefully, the answers won't bore you and you'll come back for more!

(Awkward Family Photo, top of Pike's Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado)

Name: Tyson

Age: 28 (technically, if you count from the year I was born. I am currently deep in research mode to determine if I may actually be much younger)

Occupation(s): Wife, Mother, full-time employee at a property management firm, runner, triathlete (currently training for a 70.3 triathlon), volunteer for my local Humane Society, and just recently, an Independent Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay (see shameless plug)
Education: B.S. International Business, Master's in Business Administration

Hobbies: running, biking, swimming, reading about running, biking, swimming, competing in races, triathlons, hunting, decorating ideas for my house, playing outside with the kid, motorcycles, dogs, writing, blogging, cooking, reading blogs

What is this blog about: I hope to share information on various topics I've come across that's helped me in my training along with information on products/gear I use and love, or would love to try! Also, many people ask me so often how I can do all that I do and still find time to train. I'm a busy mom, who works full time, and I know there are others out there that want to find something to save them some time during the day. I don't want this blog to appeal to only those that run, bike, or swim. Everyone is busy but I really believe that there is time to make a difference in how you look and feel if you really want, and time to do something just for you each day. Basically, it's a conglomeration of all things useful (I hope). 

So, thank you for reading my first blog and hopefully, you'll come back. 

Happy trails


*If you enjoyed this first blog, please become a follower!

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