Saturday, December 3, 2011

I trotted with the turkeys

Hey everyone

Sorry I have been MIA since my last post. I've been working hard at my new part-time gig as a Mary Kay consultant (in addition to my full-time job and life). If you also recall, I was having some pretty awful pain in my shoulder. I finally felt well enough to participate in the local turkey trot. Three point one miles of fabulous, "omg, I'm going to eat so much pumpkin pie," guilt-reducing fun! I have never ran this particular 5k before and was happy to wake up to a temperature well above the -1 I faced at the start line of last year's 5k in a neighboring community. Trust me, 35-40 degrees in November feels almost balmy when you live in Minnesota. I think our lovely state should be classified as frozen tundra for six months out of the year but have yet to hear back on that petition. Not sure the geographers of the world will agree with my reasoning. Stay tuned.

The course was a bit slick in some places but otherwise clear. The snow we received the weekend before was well on its way out, thank goodness. Did I mention I am also a firm believer in a no snow before Christmas eve weather plan? Mother nature doesn't always work with me so well on this, but it's a new, developing relationship. Anyway, I was really excited to run my first 5k race in a long time and was really hoping to break the 30-minute mark, even with all the setbacks I'd been having. I felt really strong, really fast, and really good that morning. I actually stayed towards the front of the pack during line up, which never, ever happens. I usually stay in the back, even running slower than I know I can because I hate being passed. I'm still working on mitigating the negative effects watching 30 people pass you can have during a race.

We ran a nice 3.10 mile out and back course. Very peaceful and beautiful run. It's a route I run parts of quite often, or have, and I enjoyed being out there again, really looking at the town I've spent my whole life in. It's amazing how much I missed running, and running outside, even when it is a bit chilly. Thank goodness for the talented people at Under Armour who designed frosty tights. LOVE them. I truly felt free and happy during this run. I had no pain, no hindrances, no upsets, no breathing problems, no cramps, no anything. Just me, my sweet day-glo Kinvara 2's (by Saucony), and my UA frosty tights. No iPod as it's been "dead" for months now (I just haven't remembered to buy a new cord off of's on my to do list, I swear). I just ran. And I just ran my fastest 5k race to date. 30:17. To put that time in perspective, with the knowledge that I have seen people run this distance in half that time, my time at the first 5k race I ever ran in June of 2010 was 39:43. There you go, everyone, concrete, measurable results. Hard work does pay off. Don't let anyone ever tell you different.

My husband and his brother were waiting for me at the finish line, decked out in their hunting plaid. Ok, we don't wear plaid here for hunting but you get the reference. He's never missed any of my races. He's my biggest cheerleader. I was so happy to see them waiting for me. We enjoyed the rest of our day together with our son and our families. I did not deny myself any pie. I earned it. Next up, conquering the bike trainer dilemma. I needed one, yesterday. I have to train for a 56 mile bike ride. I haven't been working out as hard or as often as I should re: pain/scared to re-injure and new part-time/fun gig. But, no more excuses. Just buy the dang trainer already...

Keep on movin'


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