Saturday, May 19, 2012

What's your motivation?

I'm not the Capital One Vikings, asking you "What's in your wallet?" But, I am asking you what your motivation is. Maybe your motivation is your wallet, or your Captial One card. Either way-Why do you get up and run, bike, swim, walk, move? Why do you go out, in the 94 degree heat, with 24-30 mile an hour winds, and run three miles? Why do you get on your bike and ride out in the country, dodging deer, moose (yes, I said moose), fox, tractors and semi trucks? Why do you swim for more than 10 minutes? Why are you up at 4:45 a.m. to work out? 

Why? That can be a controversial and loaded question. I know I've mentioned in previous blog posts the crazy looks and comments I get from people on a daily basis. You mention half iron man and you will find out pretty quick that explaining it makes most people tired. Also, you start questioning your own sanity. I ask myself -"Do I really need to do this?" No, I don't. But, I want to, said I would, put it on Facebook, so am I really going to punk out because it's going to be a hard race? Because July is notoriously hot in Minnesota? Or because there are people in my town who think I'm certifiably insane?

I have a choice. Not only do I get wake up each day to a loving husband and amazing son, both who happen to be the best coaches and support system ever, I get to choose whether or not I lace up, clip in, and swim. To me, training is like drinking milk and eating a salad. You know it's good for you, you know it makes you feel better, so you do it. I can't possibly expect to finish this big race without making those good choices every day. Aside from an order from my chiropractor or doctor, telling me to sit down and relax, I make the same choice every day. To get out and do something. I don't care if it's a two mile walk, 45-minutes of core work and squats in my front yard (which is great entertainment for the passing traffic I'm sure), a six mile bike ride, or shingling my house.

I don't want to bastardize a quote from one of the most memorable people in our history, nor do I want to cheapen anything he said or did for our country. He said something that resonates with me today during my training. I have never met this man and never had the privilege to experience his charisma. Say what you want about his personal life and demons, we all have them. This man said it right, even though he's talking about going to the moon in the 1960's, I relate it to my half iron man race and training:

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.
President John F. Kennedy, September 12, 1962, at Rice University, Houston, Texas

 "Because they are hard." I remember that every day. Even though I could stop and sit down and do nothing, I choose to continue moving because I am blessed to have a choice. I may not win the race but I'm not ready to call it quits just yet. I have accepted my challenge.

So, what's your motivation? 

Keep on movin'

Iron Mike in Training

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